The Walking Together Foundation is an independent charity that initiates and funds ecumenical outreach projects addressing serious social need anywhere in the world.
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Our Projects

The St. Timothy Scholarship Programme was launched in July 2017 to benefit bright students from poor families who cannot afford the fees and expenses associated with giving their children a secondary school education

This project, jointly sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint John and the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, invites families and their children from the Waterloo Village and South End neighbourhoods to a Friday night supper club supervised by trained volunteers.
The Walking Together Foundation was formed in response to the Common Declaration issued by His Holiness Pope Francis and His Grace Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury in October 2016, in which the two church leaders committed their respective churches to work more closely together in collaborative mission and witness “to the ends of the earth”.
The aim of the Foundation is to help realise this vision by initiating and funding ecumenical outreach projects anywhere in the world that address serious social need, including the advancement of education, the prevention or relief of poverty, the advancement of health and the saving of lives.
- Anglican Centre in Rome
- Methodist Ecumenical Office
- Westminster Abbey
The Walking Together Foundation was established to help realise the ecumenical vision set forth by the
International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (“IARCCUM”).
The Foundation also enjoys the support of the Anglican Centre in Rome, the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome
and the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey.